Miss Montana 2006 - Christie Hageman

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Montana PTA Convention

Ah, true Montana weather. The air conditioning can be on one day, and the next it is switched over to heat. The same on the roads; for weeks, maybe even over a month, there has not been any moisture (thus the huge fires). Then all of a sudden it is rainy and cold with snow on the hills around Missoula. On my way to attend the Montana PTA Convention, I drove through a lot of rain and had a scare on the interstate 30 miles east of Missoula. A power line was down and the first reports were an entire interstate closure for a minimum three hours if not all night (they all warned me about travel delays in Montana). Of course, after I turned around to take a detour through Drummond, I stopped at a gas station to learn that they HAD reopened the interstate – an hour setback for me but better than the alternative. Once I finally reached Missoula, I checked in with the Montana PTA and learned that I would have a table in the vendor hall and they would introduce me at the opening session to say a few words (I did oblige when they said “few”). I was ready for bed after my longer-than-expected day.

On Saturday, I met with the members of the PTA in the vendor hall and was well received. I met many who were in full support of keeping music in their schools and interested in having me speak at their school. I also sang a half hour of entertainment at their evening banquet. It is always a pleasure for me to share my heart and love for music through song. I believe it is one of the most personal things I can share.
The members of the PTA are very fun and quite humorous. I laughed when one of the hotel employees said, “those PTA ladies are a little wild.” By the end of the convention and after spending some time with the board members, I could see some truth in his statement.


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