Miss Montana 2006 - Christie Hageman

Thursday, May 10, 2007

DeMolay Legion of Honor Banquet

I guess my dad lucked out this year when he was put in charge of finding a speaker for the DeMolay Legion of Honor dinner in Billings on March 18. He simply recruited his own daughter who happens to be Miss Montana.
The DeMolay Legion of Honor is a group of men recognized by the organization for outstanding service benefiting the Order. They meet once a year with a prime rib dinner and a guest speaker. This year they had both a talk and a little entertainment.
After speaking on my experiences and benefits of Masonic involvement, I sang a few tunes for them. This was another life marker because I knew most of the people and remembered them mainly from my childhood attending Masonic events with my family.
Now it was my turn to stand in front of them and speak about experience…a bit ironic in my mind.


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