Miss Montana 2006 - Christie Hageman

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Montana Gumbo

Monday, October 16
When estimating travel time, my parents have convinced me to over-estimate which at times has been very helpful, and other times has gotten me to my destination LONG before I am expected. This is not usually a problem because there is always something to do in a school.
When I visited Winnett school, for example, my timing was perfect for me to sit in on their choir period. I may have made some of the students a little nervous but it was good to hear them. During the grade school presentation, there were also students attending from a country school on the Musselshell River.
One of the teachers introduced herself to me afterward and said that they occasionally come into Winnett for assemblies and library time. She told me about how the roads were full of gumbo and I had remembered a pickup I saw outside when I parked my car. I said, “The roads do seem to be pretty wet. There’s a big Ford parked outside that looks like it’s been engulfed in mud.”
She replied, “Yes, that’s mine.” ….. Ah, it all made perfect sense.


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