Miss Montana 2006 - Christie Hageman

Thursday, May 10, 2007

You Never Know When, Where, and Who ......

On Sunday (April 15), I sang special music at the Volmer Lutheran Church – a small church in the rural Dagmar area.
Before the service began I was chatting with some of the men and one ('Big Ed'Smith who ran for Governor of Montana) mentioned he was in the legislature. I asked him when he was in the state legislature and if he happened to know my grandfather who served a long time ago. He said something to the effect of, “Well I’ll be… If this isn’t Alvin Hageman’s granddaughter!”
Mr. Smith knew my grandfather well and said they sponsored many bills together even if they weren’t on the same side of the aisle. He told me that’s how things got done “back in those days” :) A piece of legislation was sponsored by someone from both parties because it was for the good of the people they represented, not just for the loyalty of the party.
My grandpa has been gone for over 10 years but it’s so moving to hear people talk about him who knew him in other capacities than I did.


Blogger david said...

That is really cool -- highlights how "small" Montana really is!

12:00 PM  

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